Monday 19 September 2011

Oscar Cole- Mi High

Oscar as a spy
Oscar is in my favourite show, Mi High!!! Oscar is played by Ben Kerfoot. Oscar is the team's cover, social 'chameleon' and infiltration expert, speaking over 14 different languages. 

Oscar's family background is fairly detailed, being a key plot point in both the third and fourth series: it is revealed that Oscar is in witness protection due to an incident a few years ago where his mother, Jade Dixon-Halliday, betrayed M.I.9 for S.K.U.L. She appears to be a double agent of some kind, switching sides continuously to gain the advantage. Oscar seems very insecure about his mum, not wanting anybody to find out what she is like. In 'Return of the Mummy', she is believed to be on S.K.U.L.'s side. 

Oscar's father, Edward Dixon-Halliday, went missing in action in a mission that he took up in Africa when Oscar was 4 and Oscar believed that he had died. However, as revealed in 'The Lost Hero', is alive and was working as a mole in SKUL after taking 9 years to escape from Africa. It is also revealed that Oscar did not live with foster parents but instead an MI9 agent, who tried bonding with him but failed.
Carrie, Oscar, Rose - School

Oscar as a spy



  1. ehhhh .... i read all of it but it didn't sound like that you wrote it.... did you copy and paste??? Its good though

  2. kinda......
    not really because I changed some bits...........

  3. Oscars mamma och pappa Wendy

    Det är en min syster som helst
    Jag heter Wendy
